You can do big things with a small team.


People power.


Because we want to solve problems (not manage other people to do it), our business is based on the principle that partnering with people who do what they enjoy most, do it better. It also means that the people you meet are the people you’ll work with, from beginning to end.

Simon Rowland Co-Founder

Research. Strategy. Marketing.

Simon helps clients understand the true value of their brand by bringing the customer’s voice into the boardroom and providing the foundation to tell a whole new story or rethink a brand from the ground up.

Nigel Hillier Co-Founder

Design. Strategy. Writing.

Nigel specialises in helping brands effectively express themselves creatively so that they remain relevant, people get excited by them and they deliver what everyone needs.

Erika Uffindell

Strategy. Leadership. Coaching.

Erika helps business leaders and teams better understand their strategic challenges, find a clarity of purpose and makes sure their ideas and actions stay true to their vision, bringing out the best in everyone.

Julz Donald

Research. Innovation. Strategy.

Julz brings a range of different research techniques that uncover insights to help answer complex questions for businesses about how consumers and the world around them will change in the future.

Rachel Clare

Research. Innovation. Strategy.

Rachel has helped some of world's leading fmcg, retail and service businesses take advantage of future change by identifying key global trends and fresh insights that can drive their business performance.

5 good reasons to say yes.


1. Affordable expertise

Great business ideas are not in short supply. Finding affordable skills and resources to help everyday businesses turn them into viable brands, are. We work smartly and efficiently without ever compromising on quality. It’s our blend of skills that makes sure we bring your strategy to life in ways that make it relevant and exciting for everyone. Without breaking the bank.

2. A senior team who will do the work. And deliver.

Getting rid of typical agency bureaucracy and hierachy helps us all to do great work. Accountability runs through everything we do and there’s a genuine sense of ownership of what we take on. Not to mention that when we say we’ll do something, we’ll do it.

3. People with lots of inside experience

We’ve worked inside of some great businesses (and some not so good), so we know what it takes to make things happen and help ensure you get the most from every pound invested.

4. Not just brand and marketing people

We’re also business people who understand the commercial realities behind a brief and who can address broader strategic issues to support your long term ambitions.

5. People with energy and enthusiasm

We spend a lot of time at work so we make sure we try and do the things we love most because we’ve learnt that enthusiasm is infectious.

We’d love to hear from you. Let’s find time for a chat.